Reseller Program

Reseller Program

Last updated: November 3rd, 2022

The purpose of this RESELLER Policy is to set forth and establish compliance with guidelines for ethical business conduct, including conducting business honestly, ethically and with integrity, complying with all governmental laws, rules, and regulations that apply to our business, and dealing fairly with our customers, RESELLER, competitors and employees.

It does apply to all MEDIA MASTER LAB RESELLER of services.

The main objective of this MEDIA MASTER LAB Policy is that its service RESELLER and each of their employees, agents, and subcontractors (RESELLER’ employees, agents, and subcontractors shall hereinafter be referred to collectively as “Representatives”) conduct their activities by all applicable laws, rules and regulations and the highest standards of ethical conduct. Our RESELLER are expected to demonstrate their commitment to this objective by reading the guidelines set forth below and complying with them.

This RESELLER POLICY (the “Policy”) is designed to provide our RESELLER with general guidance regarding situations that they may encounter as a RESELLER of services to MEDIA MASTER LAB. If a RESELLER should confront specific issues or questions regarding the interpretation or application of the Policy, it should consult its business partner at MEDIA MASTER LAB.

As a RESELLER of services to MEDIA MASTER LAB and its clients, we remind you that you are a representative of MEDIA MASTER LAB, and expected to conduct business with the highest standards of ethics and integrity.

As a RESELLER to MEDIA MASTER LAB, we ask that you read this RESELLER POLICY carefully. This Policy has five principles of conduct:

  • Personal Integrity
  • Protection of MEDIA MASTER LAB Assets and Reputation
  • Relationships with Other Parties
  • Obligations of Compliance
  • Reporting Violations

It is your responsibility as a RESELLER of MEDIA MASTER LAB to arrive at a clear understanding of this RESELLER POLICY and to adhere to its provisions.

Your commitment to the principles embodied in the following pages is important to MEDIA MASTER LAB and the future success of your relationship with MEDIA MASTER LAB. If you have questions concerning the implementation of any aspect of this RESELLER POLICY, please consult your business partner at MEDIA MASTER LAB.

  • Personal Integrity

Confidential Information

All RESELLER and their Representatives are expected to maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted to them by MEDIA MASTER LAB or its customers. Confidential information includes all non-public information that, if disclosed improperly, might be of use to MEDIA MASTER LAB’s competitors, or harmful to MEDIA MASTER LAB or its customers. Confidential information should only be collected if truly necessary to accomplish MEDIA MASTER LAB’s business purposes. Confidential information should never be used for personal advantage. A RESELLER and/or its Representatives may be held personally liable for a breach of any confidentiality obligation.

The confidentiality obligations of all RESELLER and their Representatives exist both during and after the term of any contractual relationship with MEDIA MASTER LAB.

Examples of confidential information include financial or operating information, personnel information, pricing, customer lists, related information, trade secrets, information about works of authorship, projects, plans, and proposals, and information of third parties that MEDIA MASTER LAB is required to maintain as confidential. Personal information (for example, an individual’s first name and last name in combination with a financial account number) is a type of confidential information.

Any questions regarding a RESELLER or its Representatives’ obligations of confidentiality should be directed to your business partner at MEDIA MASTER LAB.

Inside Information

“Material inside information” is information about MEDIA MASTER LAB that is not known to the public and which a reasonable person would consider significant in determining whether to buy, sell or hold MEDIA MASTER LAB stock. Neither a RESELLER nor any of its Representatives may buy or sell MEDIA MASTER LAB stock while in the possession of material inside information, nor may the spouse, children, or other persons living in such RESELLER or any of its Representatives’ houses. A RESELLER and its Representatives must also refrain from revealing material inside information to such persons and other third parties, including the RESELLER or its Representatives’ spouse, children, other relatives, and friends. All RESELLER and their Representatives should be aware that the laws prohibiting trading on material inside information apply to an individual regardless of whether that individual is an employee of MEDIA MASTER LAB.

  • Protection of MEDIA MASTER LAB Assets and Reputation

Protection and Proper Use of Company Assets

All RESELLER and their Representatives are obligated to protect and safeguard MEDIA MASTER LAB property and the property of MEDIA MASTER LAB’s customers. This applies to property and assets of all kinds, including equipment and supplies, as well as confidential information, including but not limited to proprietary business information.

Protection of confidential Company information is especially important. Unauthorized use or release of information regarding plans, strategies, costs or prices, or financial performance could jeopardize the Company’s competitive position.

All RESELLER and their Representatives have the following responsibilities:

Any removable device containing data from MEDIA MASTER LAB should be stored in a locked cabinet when not in use.

If a RESELLER and/or its Representatives have data from MEDIA MASTER LAB in a laptop, portable memory stick, or hard drive, the device must be encrypted.

Portable devices (such as mobile phones, smartphones, and music devices) may be used to view confidential information, but may not be used to store confidential information.

If a RESELLER and/or its Representatives have data from MEDIA MASTER LAB in human-readable form (paper, film, etc.), the RESELLER and/or its Representatives must store this information in a locked cabinet when not in use.

All information in human-readable form must be destroyed when no longer needed, either with a cross-cutting paper shredder, by burning the material, or another appropriate method. All RESELLER and their Representatives must NEVER dispose of this material in a way that leaves the material in a readable form.

Maintaining Information Security

Proprietary information is a valuable Company asset and includes internal and external communication; digital information stored on laptops, handhelds, desktops, servers, backups, and portable storage devices; and hard copy documents and verbal discussions.

All RESELLER and their Representatives must comply with all MEDIA MASTER LAB security policies and procedures for handling information assets and systems to ensure that MEDIA MASTER LAB meets its legal obligations, and protect MEDIA MASTER LAB’s reputation, and protect MEDIA MASTER LAB’s investment in proprietary information. The confidentiality and integrity of data stored on all RESELLER and their Representatives’ computer systems must be protected by access controls to ensure that only authorized persons have access.

In addition, all RESELLER and their Representatives must maintain appropriate security measures to protect personal information and confidential information consistent with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations.

All documents and records which contain confidential information, whether in electronic or paper format, should be marked as “confidential”. All confidential information in electronic format must be encrypted before it is transmitted or transported electronically or physically. Files containing personal information should be secured in a locked office, desk, or cabinet when not in use.

The Internet and e-Mail usage

When using the Internet and Internet e-mail, all RESELLER and their Representatives shall take the following steps:

Protect all computers with a firewall.

Have up-to-date antivirus software installed on all computers.

Run a virus scan on all files sent to MEDIA MASTER LAB. If a RESELLER and/or its Representatives suspect that a virus has infected files on a computer, the computer must be cleaned of all viruses before transmitting any files to MEDIA MASTER LAB.

Avoid transmission of nonpublic customer information. If it is necessary to transmit nonpublic information, all RESELLER and their Representatives are required to take steps reasonably intended to ensure that information is delivered to the proper person, who is authorized to receive such information for legitimate use. All personal or confidential information in electronic format must be encrypted before it is transmitted or transported electronically or physically.

Purchase and use PGP encryption software at all times when requested by MEDIA MASTER LAB to encrypt emails and files.

Ensure that project work is not done in unprotected environments such as internet cafes, and in other places where computer terminals and files could be publicly shared.

Copyrights and License Agreements

It is MEDIA MASTER LAB’s policy to comply with all laws regarding intellectual property. All RESELLER and/or their Representatives shall not install or use unlicensed software in projects related to MEDIA MASTER LAB.

Customer Policy of Conduct

RESELLER shall comply with the Policy of conduct and policies of MEDIA MASTER LAB’s customers.

  • Relationships with Other Parties

Equal-Opportunity Workplace

MEDIA MASTER LAB is committed to a policy of equal-opportunity employment in the countries in which it conducts business and expects its RESELLER and their Representatives also to comply with this commitment, even where such commitment seems inconsistent with local practice.

MEDIA MASTER LAB’s commitment to a policy of equal-opportunity employment means that MEDIA MASTER LAB will not tolerate discrimination or harassment by RESELLER or their Representatives of any employee of RESELLER or MEDIA MASTER LAB based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, disability, veteran status or other factors that are unrelated to the conduct of RESELLER’s business. Furthermore, RESELLER and their Representatives shall not engage in or tolerate sexual advances, racial or religious slurs, actions, comments, or any other conduct in the workplace that creates an intimidating or otherwise offensive or hostile environment.

Child Labor

It is a MEDIA MASTER LAB policy that child labor not be used for the performance of any services. This means that MEDIA MASTER LAB will not engage any vendor or RESELLER that uses child labor or directly engages children to perform services and all vendors must agree that it will not use any child labor or directly engage children to perform services. “Child” refers to any person under the age of 15 (or 14 where the law of the country permits), or under the age for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age for employment in the country, whichever is greatest. The use of legitimate workplace apprenticeship programs, which comply with all laws and regulations, is supported. Workers under the age of 18 shall not perform work that is likely to jeopardize the health or safety of young workers.

Gifts and Other Payments

Employees of MEDIA MASTER LAB may neither give nor accept any gift or payment for unlawfully or improperly influencing business decisions. Accordingly, RESELLER and their Representatives may not give gifts of more than $100 USD in connection with the business of MEDIA MASTER LAB, since such gifts can affect or might appear intended to affect the judgment of the person receiving the gift.

Improper Payments

Under no circumstances shall a RESELLER or its Representatives give or offer to an employee of MEDIA MASTER LAB bribes, kickbacks, or other improper payments of any kind, or gifts of money. This prohibition applies to dealings with current or potential customers, RESELLER, Representatives, consultants, or any other party seeking to establish a business relationship with MEDIA MASTER LAB.

Anti-Money Laundering

No RESELLER or its Representatives may participate in money laundering, which is the process of concealing funds that have been illegally obtained. No RESELLER or its Representatives may use its relationship with MEDIA MASTER LAB to disguise or attempt to disguise the sources of illegally obtained funds. Transactions with Governments In doing business with governments and officials in any country, MEDIA MASTER LAB is committed to acting with honesty and integrity and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expects its RESELLER and their Representatives also to comply with all such applicable laws and regulations.

No RESELLER or its Representatives may use any funds or other assets of MEDIA MASTER LAB or on behalf of MEDIA MASTER LAB for contributions or payments to political parties, whether foreign or domestic, political funds or organizations, candidates for public office, or government officials or employees. A RESELLER should consult its business partner at MEDIA MASTER LAB whenever it is considering anything that might constitute a political contribution from funds or other assets of MEDIA MASTER LAB or on behalf of MEDIA MASTER LAB. A RESELLER and its Representatives may, of course, use their funds for political contributions as they desire, in compliance with applicable laws.

Anti-Trust and Unfair Competition

MEDIA MASTER LAB will comply with the antitrust and unfair competition laws in all countries where it does business and expects its RESELLER and their Representatives also to comply with such laws.

  • Obligations of Compliance

MEDIA MASTER LAB is committed to complying with the laws and regulations of the countries in which it conducts business and expects its RESELLER and their Representatives also to comply, including with U.S. laws that apply internationally, as well as this RESELLER POLICY, even where they seem inconsistent with local practice.

  • Reporting Violations

The compliance by our RESELLER and their Representatives with this Policy is of critical importance to MEDIA MASTER LAB. Each RESELLER and each of their Representatives have a responsibility to promptly report any suspected or known violations of this Policy, including any violation of the law. MEDIA MASTER LAB will treat the reported information confidentially, and will not tolerate any acts of retribution or retaliation against you because you made a good faith report of alleged violations.

Each RESELLER and each of their Representatives should raise any concerns regarding potential unethical business behavior with your business partner at MEDIA MASTER LAB.

An individual shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any Federal or State trade secret law for the disclosure of a trade secret that is made in confidence to a Federal, State, or local government official or to an attorney solely to report or investigate a suspected violation of the law. An individual shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any Federal or State trade secret law for the disclosure of a trade secret that is made in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding if such filing is made under seal. An individual who files a lawsuit for retaliation by an employer for reporting a suspected violation of law may disclose the trade secret to the attorney of the individual and use the trade secret information in the court proceeding, if the individual files any document containing the trade secret under seal; and does not disclose the trade secret, except under court order.

  • Questions / Contact

In case of any concerns or questions about this policy please contact us at:


Address: Av. Pdte. Masaryk 178, Polanco, Polanco V Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11560, CDMX. México.
